Thalia Gochez, Julia at home

Thalia Gochez captures family moments in LA for Sixteen Journal Volume 7 on Womanhood.


Photography, styling, hair, creative direction: Thalía Gochez • Assisted by: Jeanette Archilla-Ponce @kittypiddl3 • Model: Julia Archilla-Ponce @liajca • Production: Camille Neira @cahmiel.


  1. Larry Sultan, Swimmers

    ‘I wanted to do something so absolutely different, and physical, and in a certain way, kind of ill-conceived… I took my camera and went underwater in a bunch of pools. And made pictures.’
  2. Mark Steinmetz, The Players

    Made between 1986 and 1990, these photographs are classic Steinmetz: tenderness, humor, and humanism are all present here.
  3. Walter Iooss Jr., Icons

    Widely considered the world's most influential sports photographer, Walter Iooss Jr.'s images transcend the fame of his subjects and have come to represent modern sports culture.